Maintaining the health of teeth and gums means more than flossing and brushing. Regular visits at dentists for a check-up and professional cleaning play a vital part in oral healthcare and your overall wellbeing. An experienced Dentist in Peoria, IL , during a routine check-up, will: ● Examine your gums According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 50 percent of people in the U.S. suffer from gum disease, till 30. We all know that the gums can give clues to your overall health, and your dentist will look for any deep spaces between gums and teeth, which typically indicate gum disease (periodontitis) that can spread to vital organs of the body. Hence, the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) recommends an annual comprehensive periodontal evaluation (CPE) for all adults. ● Check for plaque and tartar accumulation. If you somehow allow plaque to build up, it...
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